Ox Bow Animal Health



We aren’t just in the business of pet nutrition—we’re dedicated to it. Our company was built on hard work, compassion and Midwest values. We wake up every morning with the goal of being better than we were the previous day. We take pride in improving and prolonging the joy that pets bring into our lives and the lives of families everywhere. Put simply, we love what we do. We hope you and your furry friends do as well.

The story of Oxbow Animal Health has its humble beginnings over five generations ago on the Miller family farm. During this time, hay was the lifeblood from which they grew and nurtured their animals. It was important that every harvest meet the absolute highest standards.

Thus began the Oxbow commitment to developing the very best in animal care products, a tradition that carried on five generations later when John Miller founded Oxbow Animal Health. By making sure this belief formed the foundation of Oxbow, Miller has created an internationally-recognized brand that has become the most trusted name in small animal nutrition, from loyal customers to top veterinarians.

It wasn’t easy, and it isn’t still. Meeting our Oxbow standard of product is no easy task. Materials that make up our products are hand-selected, personally inspected, routinely analyzed for nutritional value, tested, and retested again. Every day, we strive to combine our love of animals with the solid science and knowledge necessary to provide your animal with the highest level of quality care.

Knowing how we get to the end product, it’s easy to see why our timothy hay-based formulas have pioneered a worldwide revolution in small animal nutrition, or why our veterinarian-referred Professional Line has set the industry standard for care of small pets recovering from illness or injury.

So thank you for taking the time to learn about us. We hope you have the chance to experience our product firsthand and truly discover the Oxbow Difference.


Information source: Ox Bow website